Geo-Engineering /
Climate Engineering / Weather Warfare / Weather Manipulation / Chemtrails / Chem Clouds / Solar Radiation Management
Put down your phone and look up! Those are not clouds, they are not jet streams or contrails!
They are chemtrails.
Dimmer skies are NOT safer skies!
Did you know you are being referred to as a "useless eater" by the people orchestrating the weather and turned it into a weapon? Did you know they have been exploding mega huge nuclear bombs in space for decades permanently damaging the atmosphere then blaming it on global warning - then providing the "solution" with chemtrails and cloud seeding?
Chemtrails have been sprayed in South Africa and the rest of the globe for years without the consent of the public. In SA it's called the "rainfall enhancement program". They have already dimmed our skies globally by 20% - phase one complete! We are unwitting lab rats, nothing more - unless we educate ourselves and stand up to them, because we out number them by many! Do not listen to the disinformation of 'dimmer skies are safer skies', the planet is being terraformed in front of our eyes. Read all these resources and make your own mind up. I am tracking chemtrail activity where I travel on my blog. Join almost 2000 other South Africans interested in and reporting geoengineering activity around the country. If you see spraying and weird clouds and weather, please upload the pictures to Geoengineering Watch South Africa.
"They" profess that they can make it rain, then why is Cape Town just about ready to launch the SANDF to keep order when the water runs out? Agenda 21 playing out in our country.
Chemtrails have been sprayed in South Africa and the rest of the globe for years without the consent of the public. In SA it's called the "rainfall enhancement program". They have already dimmed our skies globally by 20% - phase one complete! We are unwitting lab rats, nothing more - unless we educate ourselves and stand up to them, because we out number them by many! Do not listen to the disinformation of 'dimmer skies are safer skies', the planet is being terraformed in front of our eyes. Read all these resources and make your own mind up. I am tracking chemtrail activity where I travel on my blog. Join almost 2000 other South Africans interested in and reporting geoengineering activity around the country. If you see spraying and weird clouds and weather, please upload the pictures to Geoengineering Watch South Africa.
"They" profess that they can make it rain, then why is Cape Town just about ready to launch the SANDF to keep order when the water runs out? Agenda 21 playing out in our country.
- About the Sky
- Admitting to Weather Modification
- Agriculture Defence Coalition
- BioAPI
- Barium Blues
- Best Chemtrail Evidence - Ultimate Time Lapse Proof
- Chemtrailer
- Chemtrails on Sheep
- Chemtrails - Culling the Useless Eaters
- Chemtrails Exposed - Global Geoengineering Psy-Ops Documented
- Chemtrail Flu, Have You Got it Yet?
- Chemtrails Pictures
- Chemtrail Pilot Blows the Cover of Operation Indigo Skyfold
- Chemtrail SprayOps Notices - yeah, they actually brag about it
- Censored and Unspeakable Alien Technology Affecting All Life on Earth
- Climate and Geoengineering
- Climate Engineering to Control Populations
- Cloud Seeding Now Quietly Underway in Over 50 Countries
- Coalition Against Geo-Engineering
- Compulsory Sterilization
- Conspiracy Theorists Vindicated - HAARP Confirmed Weather Tool Manipulation
- Details Here on Chemtrails
- Did the South African government create a new disaster using cloud seeding?
- Earthquakes - Natural or Man-Made?
- Eugenics - has now been renamed to transhumanism, don't be fooled, it's the same thing
- GeoEngineers are Decimating South Africa, a Farmer's Report - also read the additional reports in the comments
- GeoEngineering Artefacts - How to Recognise Them
- GeoEngineering Introduction Letter
- GeoEngineering Watch
- GeoEngineering Watch Facebook Page
- GeoPiracy - the Case Against Geoengineering
- Global Dimming
- Global March Against GeoEngineering and Chemtrails
- Google Propaganda - all real cirrus cloud photos have been replaced with chemtrail photos
- HAARP Project Overview
- HAARP - A Weapon of Mass Destruction
- HAARP and Lucy in Sky With Diamonds
- How Do We Stop the Spraying?
- How the Gwen Towers Assist the Government in Targeting Individuals
- Ionospheric Heaters, How HAARP Really Works
- Incredible Modern Weapons
- International Chemtrail Association - just in case you think still think this is all a fallacy
- Melting Arctic Methane - aka the end of earth...
- Morgellons Exposed
- Morgellons Research Group
- Naomi Klein on Motherhood, Geoengineering, Climate Debt & the Fossil Fuel Divestment Movement
- Nuclear Chemist Publishes Groundbreaking Paper With Details About: “Aluminum Poisoning Of Humanity Via Geoengineering”
- Ocean "Fertilization" - Governments are Geoengineering our Oceans with Industrial Waste
- Peer Reviewed Scientific Evidence Exposes Chemtrails as a Crime Against Humanity
- Pilots, Doctors and Scientists Tell the Truth About Chemtrails
- Photos of Fake Clouds
- Plasma Weapons
- Public Protector formally requests both SA Weather Services and Council for Geoscience to investigate allegations of improper conduct by the government in utilising cloud seeding and geoengineering (LFN)
- Rebranding Geoengineering : Climate Intervention and Gate-keeping
- SkyderALERT
- Strange Days Strange Skies - endless photographic evidence
- South Africa's Award Winning "Rainfall Enhancement" Programme May Soon Be Back on Track
- Terraforming Planet Earth
- The Deliberate Trashing of Planet Earth
- The Earth as a Weapon
- The "First" Geoengineering "Test" is "About to Happen"
- The Harmful Effects of Silver Iodide
- The Purpose of Chemtrails - from an ex government employee
- The Purpose of Chemtrails
- The Ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction - Owning the Weather for Military Use
- The Weather Effect
- Top 4 Fallacies of the Hijacked Environmental Movement
- Toxic Spraying and Radio Frequency Bombardment, a Lethal Mix
- Weather Modification
- Zero Geoengineering
"The geoengineers decide where precipitation will fall and where it won’t, where there will be record drought and where there will be record flooding. They decide how toxic our environment will be and with what elements. They decide the level of contamination in every breath we take and the amount of lethal radio frequency signals we will be exposed." source
Books on the Subject
- Angels Don't Play This HAARP
- Chemtrails, HAARP and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth Hands down the most chilling book I have read since awakening!
- Toxic Skies
WHAT Can We Do ?
1. Start in Your Neighbourhood.
Get a Geo-buddy to go door to door informing and gathering support.
Go to school board meetings, you pay tax money to these schools, and your voice should be heard. Children are being sprayed.
Put a Classified add in your local news paper.
Write Letters to the Editor.
Gather personal stories about Health Issues related to spraying.
Ask about their pets too.
Put up a yard sign.
Put up flyers just like “Lost Dog” flyers.
Put a Bumper Sticker on your car.
Leave a sign in your car window while shopping.
2. Work in your Town, City or Village.
Some stores have Bulletin Boards where the public can post ads or notices, put a flyer on those Bulletin Boards.
Go to the Park, ask the care takers if they are noticing damage to trees and shrubs. While you are there pass out flyers.
Go to the drug store and talk with the pharmacist about the symptoms and Health issues in your neighborhood. Ask about Vitamin D and what OTC medications they recommend.
Go to City Council meetings, listen, learn and speak up.
Call the Mayor, call city council members.
Go to your library and ask what information they have on Geo-engineering.
Call the Water Dept. find out if they test the water for aluminum, barium, arsenic, mercury, lead, etc.
Attend events where there will be lots of people in attendance where you can pass out flyers.
3. Contact your County / municipal officials.
4. Sue the government!
5. Make an orgonite chem busters.
6. Investigate calcium bentonite clay.
7. Tell everybody!
1. Start in Your Neighbourhood.
Get a Geo-buddy to go door to door informing and gathering support.
Go to school board meetings, you pay tax money to these schools, and your voice should be heard. Children are being sprayed.
Put a Classified add in your local news paper.
Write Letters to the Editor.
Gather personal stories about Health Issues related to spraying.
Ask about their pets too.
Put up a yard sign.
Put up flyers just like “Lost Dog” flyers.
Put a Bumper Sticker on your car.
Leave a sign in your car window while shopping.
2. Work in your Town, City or Village.
Some stores have Bulletin Boards where the public can post ads or notices, put a flyer on those Bulletin Boards.
Go to the Park, ask the care takers if they are noticing damage to trees and shrubs. While you are there pass out flyers.
Go to the drug store and talk with the pharmacist about the symptoms and Health issues in your neighborhood. Ask about Vitamin D and what OTC medications they recommend.
Go to City Council meetings, listen, learn and speak up.
Call the Mayor, call city council members.
Go to your library and ask what information they have on Geo-engineering.
Call the Water Dept. find out if they test the water for aluminum, barium, arsenic, mercury, lead, etc.
Attend events where there will be lots of people in attendance where you can pass out flyers.
3. Contact your County / municipal officials.
4. Sue the government!
5. Make an orgonite chem busters.
6. Investigate calcium bentonite clay.
7. Tell everybody!