Do You Know Your Rights?
"We, the People vs REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA (PTY) LTD without prejudice, we, the people can all agree that the current prevailing system of corporate governance which creates poverty is not to the will of 'We, the People'. You have more than likely arrived here because you are asking questions regarding issues such as sovereignty, common-law, customary law, natural law, banking, foreclosures, evictions and seeking remedy to protect your inalienable hu-man rights. This is what you will find on the tabs below the banner. Don’t believe us, investigate it for yourself if you wish."
Read more at Gift of Truth
The Republic of Good Hope
The Republic of Good Hope is a common law country, created through declaration on the 24th December 2010. It serves as an alternative jurisdiction to people who wish to protect themselves from traditional countries, enslaving their people to debt/usury based monetary policies. The Good Hope flag was designed to represent sovereignty. While the symbols used have many different meanings, the one consistent factor is that at all times, our sovereignty will be governed by the wings of freedom as represented by our seagull which was inspired by Jonathan Livingston Seagull. The point we are making is that all people are free and no one has an obligation to be part of a society that in anyway has become corrupt. So each one of us are the wings of freedom, looking down on a sovereign nation that we are free to join or leave according to our respective will. We believe it is impossible for any society that uses a usury based currency system to be free and should the RGH ever use a debt system, its people have an obligation to leave.