Look up!
There are very few people who seem to understand what is going on in our skies due to the massive amounts of disinformation being spread about the subject of geoengineering. You can get started on the subject with these links if you are ready to hear it. In the meantime, here's normal clouds vs man induced "clouds". The biggest argument comes with what is contrails are vs what chemtrails are. Jet streams are normal, they are seen in very cold temperatures usually. They are NOT the same as chemtrails....! The chemtrail planes fly at very high altitudes and are incredibly fast. You have to be quick on the draw to capture them on camera. They are getting clever now and spraying during full cover to hide the evidence, they are also spraying at night. The flight paths in Joburg have been changed in the past few months. They now fly over the northern suburbs of Johannesburg, they never used to. A great way to get chemtrails into new areas, although one chemtrail can stretch out and affect a couple of hundred kilometres easily. And these are not normal clouds. They are chemical / heavy metal filled clouds of toxins that are being showered down on us without our consent! They make crazy patterns that are not normal! Think back to your childhood, think! Remember! An entire sky of chemtrails... Think about it, when last did you see pristine blue skies? That deep blue that you can loose yourself in. Our skies are mostly just milky now; dimmer....
Look up!
6/5/2015 10:00:53 am
Also saw these chemtrails over pretoria and the Kruger National Park - took some photos. Shocking! People don't look up anymore, and if you inform them, they think you need a tin foil hat.
6/5/2015 10:29:04 am
Please just keep sharing them. We need as much evidence as we van get. I've also seen them over our game parks, it makes me even more depressed!
Andrew Webb
13/8/2015 06:01:03 am
Excuse my ignorance, but what is being sprayed and why?
13/8/2015 06:47:48 am
Our planet is being terraformed, (making it uninhabitable for humans). They use the excuse of global warming to spray billions of tons of highly toxic chemicals into the air including aluminium, mercury, barium. It's also known as geoeengineering or weather warfare. Essentially they are blocking out the sun but putting a chemical film in the upper atmosphere. It is wrecking havoc all over the globe. Plants are starting to die all over the world, droughts have set in, and people are getting sicker and sicker. They are trying to get rid of us, and if we don't start waking up very quickly to what they are doing and put a stop to it, it will be game over for all of us.
12/4/2016 12:26:58 am
I guess they are trying to kill themselves as well? Leave a Reply. |
October 2017