In the light of the global March Against Monsanto taking place next week, there has been some discussion this week on Pick n Pay's Facebook page about the labelling of genetically modified products. They maintained that they have started labelling so I went to one of their stores today to find out. And true to their word, all maize has been labelled - not prominently of course, their house brand is the most clearly labelled of the lot. Now if only people understood what that means... According the African Centre of Biodiversity though, this level of labelling is not sufficient as it is misleading. Just goes to show how little we the public know about this whole subject and how complex it is. We can be very lucky that there are unsung hero's and watch dogs out there that are keeping a very close eye on all these proceedings. Thanks ACB! You are amazing.
The globally arranged march is picking up huge momentum! There are 3000 people from Joburg, Cape Town, Durban, Plett and George registered for the March Against Monsanto scheduled for 25 May 2013! For those of you who don't have any idea what GMO's and seed patents are about, just know that there are thousands and thousands of people around the world that are busy fighting for your right to nonpoisonous food and self-sustainability. If you want to start learning, here's plenty links to get you going. For those of you who do know about the issues, please make a stand with us. We need to get the details out to as many people as possible. Mainstream media is all but mum on the subject, so we need you to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, blog and email like crazy to get the story out there. Share some love for Tami Monroe Canal who started this global movement when she came to the following realization. One amazingly enlightened thought from one random citizen sick of how things are; hundreds of thousands of people globally mobilized. And share the love to the African Centre of Biodiversity for coordinating the Joburg event. Never under-estimate your power to make change. Click on your region below to join the movement and the conversation.
![]() I decided to put my review on my main blog - this book is too important and needs a bigger audience than this blog currently has. Quite a few people have at least heard the term GMO, but few actually know what it means and what it's about. I sure didn't until January this year. I cannot stress strongly enough how important it is for you to educate yourself on this matter; even more so if you have children.
Did you know that genetically modified crops have been rife in South Africa for nearly 2 decades already? You are eating food that is making you and your children sick and they have been hiding this fact from you all the way! You can start with the GMO Watch links on the Food and Water page. But definitely download out the 11 awesome fact sheets from the African Centre of Biodiversity. There is a global event planned for 25 May 2013 against Monsanto - and Joburg is having one too, at Monsanto's Fourways offices. Did you even know Monsanto had offices there?
The time of the couch potato has come to an end. The time of putting your money where your mouth is and getting off your arse has commenced. If you don't know what this company and it's friends are doing, go the Food and Water page on this site and start clicking on the links. See you there. The latest hoohaa about horses, donkeys, goats and buffalo in our food has got people up in arms all over the show - headline news everywhere. "It's disgusting what they're putting in our food!" Personally, I'd take horse and donkey any day over the other stuff they're putting in our food that you don't even realize.
Have you even heard of genetically modified food? Any concept of what that means? Believe me, a bit of horse is the least of your worries. Haven't you ever wondered why so many people nowadays get cancer, organ damage, diabetes, obesity, have digestive tract dysfunctions, allergies to food, reproductive failure, allergies to antibiotics? Do you honestly think its because "they're just not eating right and are just fat, unhealthy bastards". You've got it wrong. And worse, none of this is an accident, none of it. You think you have freedom of choice going into the supermarket when in actual fact all the produce you see is owned by a small handful of evil giants. If you knew someone was putting arsenic into your food, would you eat it? Genetically modified food is poison to humans! Do you realise you are feeding it to your children? Animals won't touch the stuff given a choice. YOU have a choice too. Our governments are not protecting us, we have to protect ourselves! GM crops have been in South Africa for 10 years and they never told us about it! :( A decade they have been poisoning us. Please, start reading up on GMO's. What you will learn will terrify you but it's not too late to change and you have alternatives. I know you're too busy, and too tired, and just got too much to worry about - but this is something you can control right now. And if you want longevity, you are going to need to change what you eat. The top 10 GM foods to avoid : corn, soy, sugar, aspartame, papayas, canola, cotton, diary, zucchini, yellow squash. Read labels! Just about everything on the shelf contains corn and it's fed to cows. And don't even get me started on what it does to the environment, and the plan the evil giants put in place to dominate the world's food, like own all the seeds. Over my dead body... ![]() It’s all a little overwhelming isn't it? When you start researching how we’re being systematically poisoned to death, it gets really hard to know what to do. We get frozen like a rabbit in headlights. We risk doing nothing because it all seems too much and so big that we think we can’t possibly make a difference anymore - and that it simpl But we can. One person can make a difference. You can make a difference. It starts with small changes. It starts with educating yourself on what’s happening and opening your eyes. The dangers of fizzy drinks are rife across the web. A small change would be to never again drink Coke or Coke Light, or similar products. Drink these amazing waters instead. Small, consistent steps in the right direction = great change. In the meantime, I’m sticking to beer. ;-) |
October 2017