For those of you who don't have any idea what GMO's and seed patents are about, just know that there are thousands and thousands of people around the world that are busy fighting for your right to nonpoisonous food and self-sustainability. If you want to start learning, here's plenty links to get you going.
For those of you who do know about the issues, please make a stand with us. We need to get the details out to as many people as possible. Mainstream media is all but mum on the subject, so we need you to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, blog and email like crazy to get the story out there.
Share some love for Tami Monroe Canal who started this global movement when she came to the following realization. One amazingly enlightened thought from one random citizen sick of how things are; hundreds of thousands of people globally mobilized. And share the love to the African Centre of Biodiversity for coordinating the Joburg event. Never under-estimate your power to make change.