Have you even heard of genetically modified food? Any concept of what that means? Believe me, a bit of horse is the least of your worries.
Haven't you ever wondered why so many people nowadays get cancer, organ damage, diabetes, obesity, have digestive tract dysfunctions, allergies to food, reproductive failure, allergies to antibiotics? Do you honestly think its because "they're just not eating right and are just fat, unhealthy bastards". You've got it wrong. And worse, none of this is an accident, none of it.
You think you have freedom of choice going into the supermarket when in actual fact all the produce you see is owned by a small handful of evil giants.
If you knew someone was putting arsenic into your food, would you eat it? Genetically modified food is poison to humans! Do you realise you are feeding it to your children? Animals won't touch the stuff given a choice. YOU have a choice too. Our governments are not protecting us, we have to protect ourselves! GM crops have been in South Africa for 10 years and they never told us about it! :( A decade they have been poisoning us.
Please, start reading up on GMO's. What you will learn will terrify you but it's not too late to change and you have alternatives. I know you're too busy, and too tired, and just got too much to worry about - but this is something you can control right now. And if you want longevity, you are going to need to change what you eat.
The top 10 GM foods to avoid : corn, soy, sugar, aspartame, papayas, canola, cotton, diary, zucchini, yellow squash.
Read labels! Just about everything on the shelf contains corn and it's fed to cows. And don't even get me started on what it does to the environment, and the plan the evil giants put in place to dominate the world's food, like own all the seeds. Over my dead body...